Education for a brighter future

How Technology Has Affected Education

Education involves an impartation of knowledge and character. It is the bedrock on which everything else grows. The quality of ones life is influenced largely by education. It is unarguably true that the person who is educated stands a better chance at being fulfilled in life than the person who lacks basic education. That is why various governments all over the world, after realising this truth, are starting to emphasize the importance and necessity of sending chilren to school. Education is gradually ceasing to be a privilege, it is now becoming a fundamental right, and it must be emphasized to its full extent.

Education affects ones experience of life; it affects thinking, emotions and actions-these are the three fundamental abilities of every human being. Education applies various modalities to ensure that learning is achieved, but the most common modality is the visual. This involves learning by sight and observation. It achieves this using books, New and used books that carry in them necessary information to expand the mind of students. Other learning modalities that are also being used are auditory and kinesthetic modalities.

Advancement in technology has influenced education greatly. Since computers, mobile phones and the internet came to be, learning has become somewhat easier and much more pleasant even. Now one can find almost any educational material necessary for ones course of study on the internet. It has also become a great meeting place for people of like minds and interests to converge and discuss and exchange ideas and concepts about their study choices and options. Knowledge has become so accessible that you can learn almost anything on the internet.

The major concern of this trend is that it tends to take away the formal nature that used to characterise education back then. These days, someone can get a degree without being within the four walls of a class or enduring a particular lecturers temperament.

Notwitstanding, the changes that have occured with education are non-revesible, making the argument of whether technological advancements have negatively or positively affected the educational system rather futile. This is because, it is an obvious truth how much technology has made learning better and greater.