Education for a brighter future

The Effects of Educational Coaching

Coaching is defined by international researchers as a collaborative continuing professional development process that is about unlocking potentials in people in order to maximize their performance and to bring out the best in them. Both practitioners and students can benefit significantly from coaching.

In order to develop effective coaching practices, practitioners need to have a genuine desire to make a difference, they need to believe in the abilities of their students and fellow colleagues, and they need to make a commitment to developing professional learning and emotional intelligence. The goal of practitioners is not to provide their students with the answers. Instead, it is to aid their students in the development of their thinking and learning process with the aim of inspiring self-directed changes.

A good coach need to possess five major skills. He need to be able to establish trust, listen for meaning, question to determine understanding, prompt for action, reflection and learning and celebrate success. In order to become an effective coach, he need to understand his own learning needs, reflect on his teaching practices, become more active in the learning process, and take actions to improve the learning of his students.

The teaching and learning process in schools benefit positively from effective coaching. Effective coaching results in improvement and makes it possible for students to strive for achievements and attainments. Effective coaching in schools benefits the students, the teachers, and the school.

Students become more motivated, develop questioning skills and learning strategies, learn collaboration and improve on their overall learning outcome. Practitioners become more willing to learn and change. They become self-confident and their confidence in the power of teaching to make a difference increases. They also develop a wider repertoire of learning and teaching strategies. They are also provided with useful life skills that they can use in other situations. Schools benefit in general in that the individual rewards and development of their practitioners will also have a direct effect on the organization. The effectiveness of the organization as a whole increases which results in better staff retention and loyalty. All schools should invest in developing effective coaching practices.