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How to find a Job

The current climate means more and more of us are struggling to find a job so how can you stand out from the crowd and get yourself noticed? Here are a few top tips to make your job application stand out and make its way into the ‘yes’ pile.

Do a little research.

Find out exactly what the company is looking for and what they do – this will help to make your job application to the point. If you have a good understanding of what a prospective employer is looking for you can tailor your job application to fit to their exact specification. Check out their website, find out who they work with and if they’ve got a blog; check out they’ve got to say.

Follow the instructions.

Read through the instructions on the Jobs Today website at the start of your application and make sure you do exactly what is asked. If you go off in different directions when answering a specific question or fill in questions that aren’t relevant any prospective employer will know you haven’t read through the application properly.

Make sure your CV & application form match.

It’s likely that an application form will ask for dates of previous jobs and education as well as qualifications – make sure the CV you send with your application matches up with the answers to the questions on the application. Don’t leave any questions blank either – the application form is a chance to sell yourself, it makes sense to use all of the form to your advantage.

Check it!

Before you send off your completed application form make sure you’ve proof read it, any mistakes made now could result in your form being sent straight to the ‘no’ pile. Try asking a friend to check the form for you – a fresh pair of eyes works wonders.

Visit the Jobs Today site for great advice on everything from finding a job to interview techniques as well as thousands of featured jobs in your location.